Friday, September 5, 2014

Answers to questions.

Matt Cro
Computer Graphics 111
September 5th, 2014

1.) My computer experience varies, I am fairly good with the basics, and I am fine with both types.
2.) I have average experience with Photoshop and Illustrator, I took two classes that used these in High School.
3.)I have a computer at home, but am yet to download Photoshop and Illustrator.
4.)My major is Computer Graphics Design.
5.)I hope to be able to  work Photoshop and Illustrator more fluently and better my skills with them from taking this class.
6.)My favorite artist is Daughtry.
7.) My favorite musician is Chris Daughtry, hence the artist mentioned in the question prior.
8.)I enjoy watching football, and consider myself an expert in the fantasy football field.
9.)Jake went to the park one day, in search of amusement.
    On his way there, he ran into five lost dogs.
    This clearly wasn't a good situation for Jake, as the Dogs seemed angry.
    Jake Approached the dogs steadily, not showing his fear, with an attempt to be their friend.
    The dogs appreciated Jake's comfort, and those scary dogs, actually were nice.
10.) Photo posted.

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