Friday, November 14, 2014

The Computer Doctors Logo Redesign

What Convicts teach us about graphic design

Convicts show us that they too can be graphic designers. I don't think he should've been jailed, instead he should've been hired by a different company that would be less harsh. This article really does remind us how important design is to the world we live in, and it's ability to persuade us to buy certain things we normally wouldn't.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Starbucks logo response

There is no need to change the Starbucks logo. The logo we all know being taken away will cause some rage from the customers of Starbucks. Most people don't like change, and unless the logo redesign completely trumps the old one, it will not be liked. Most of these huge franchise's should stick to what they make and leave their logos alone.

Friday, October 31, 2014

creation of fun

MLG Logo

The Major League Gaming (MLG) logo has always stood out to me. The emptiness of the controller draws the eye enough to know exactly what it is. The use of color is the same as most other professional sports logos, but this one appeals to me most. I like how everything stands out clearly to me, and I have no trouble at all figuring out what it is. This is a very well done logo.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Favorite movie poster

My favorite movie poster is for The Lord Of The Rings, Return of The King. The expressions used on the characters faces show that this was indeed an epic finale. I've always been a Lord Of The Rings fan, so the posters appeal to me better, more so than Harry Potter. Everything looks attractive to the eye, and makes you want to see the film. The scenery of the background in middle earth, also has an epic feel to it. Hopefully I can learn a few things from this poster, and make mine as epic as this one is.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Main Characters:
Matt Cro  (Dave Steinberg)
Tom Cruise (Billie Green)
Norman Reedus (Chase Norwood.)

 Dave Steinberg, Chase Norwood, and Billie Green are the last three known survivors during the apocalypse. Billions of zombies have overrun the planet, and this heroic trio has to try their best to survive. They've set up a base camp, at a local prison, with multiple types of weaponry, and a lacking food supply. The trio will soon find out that they need to venture to new places to find food. Will the realization of the situation get the best of them, or will they make it out alive?


Making A Poster Interview Response

Dustin sounds very inspiring to me. He pulled his idea together during high school while working some job, and finally deciding he was going to be an art major. This makes me wish that I was this creative during high school, but I didn't take enough computer graphics related classes. I like how Dustin decided to go out on his own, after he didn't like the way the agency he was with was going.
His movie poster "Magnolia" was very intriguing for me to look at. He worked together with Paul on that poster and it turned out amazing.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

To the Point: Interview With Dave Perillo, aka Montygog Response

 Illustrators have so much creativity that it inspires me. They are able to to come up with ideas from just about anything they do. Whether its watching cartoons, listening to music, etc, illustrators always keep an open mind and draw their inspiration for anything. Just about anything an illustrator does can provide them enough of a spark to create art. Most of the time, a successful illustrator makes their work become history. Often on Television with cartoons, disney with animated productions, and anything else you can think of. This endless form of creativity is something I wish to have in my life.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Husky Image

Answers to questions.

Matt Cro
Computer Graphics 111
September 5th, 2014

1.) My computer experience varies, I am fairly good with the basics, and I am fine with both types.
2.) I have average experience with Photoshop and Illustrator, I took two classes that used these in High School.
3.)I have a computer at home, but am yet to download Photoshop and Illustrator.
4.)My major is Computer Graphics Design.
5.)I hope to be able to  work Photoshop and Illustrator more fluently and better my skills with them from taking this class.
6.)My favorite artist is Daughtry.
7.) My favorite musician is Chris Daughtry, hence the artist mentioned in the question prior.
8.)I enjoy watching football, and consider myself an expert in the fantasy football field.
9.)Jake went to the park one day, in search of amusement.
    On his way there, he ran into five lost dogs.
    This clearly wasn't a good situation for Jake, as the Dogs seemed angry.
    Jake Approached the dogs steadily, not showing his fear, with an attempt to be their friend.
    The dogs appreciated Jake's comfort, and those scary dogs, actually were nice.
10.) Photo posted.